The Case for Upright Radiotherapy

ASTRO 2020 & the Innovation Hub

As part of our ASTRO 2020 activities we were invited to participate in ASTRO’s first ever Innovation Hub. The Innovation Hub was dedicated to shining a spotlight on those companies who are start-ups or innovators in the field of Radiotherapy.

Being a part of the Innovation Hub allowed us the opportunity to provide ASTRO attendees with an informative presentation on a subject we are passionate about as well as highlighting what we do. We decided that our topic for the presentation would be ‘The Case for Upright Radiotherapy - The More Human Way to Treat Cancer’. The presentation was delivered by our colleagues Stephen Towe (CEO), Thomas ‘Rock’ Mackie (Board Chairman & Co-Founder) and Niek Schreuder (President of Proton Therapy).

Questioning the Key Principles of Radiotherapy

The presentation starts by questioning two of the key principles of radiotherapy; why are patients treated lying down and why does the gantry need to rotate around patients? Challenging these very principles is how Leo Cancer Care came to be.

The presentation also highlights the clinical benefits of treating patients in the upright position for both clinician and patient as well as the economical and time efficiency benefits.

How to Watch the Presentation

We understand that not everyone could attend the presentation at ASTRO but we did not want anyone to miss out, so you can view our presentation here:

If you have any questions or would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here.