Leo Cancer Care Introducing Detector, Particle Therapy, Quality Assurance Technology to the USA

We are pleased to announce that Leo Cancer Care and Detector have formed an exciting partnership that will bring state of the art, Particle Therapy, Quality Assurance technology to the United States of America.  

Detector specializes in the design and creation of high-performance medical devices, for the monitoring and verification of therapeutic particle beams, both during patient treatment and daily quality control of the particle accelerator. Leo Cancer Care is developing state of the art, upright Radiotherapy solutions, the first of which will be an upright Proton Therapy solution, with a fixed beam and unique patient positioning system, complete with an upright fan beam CT. 

We are thrilled to announce that Leo Cancer Care has successfully gained FDA registration for a full range of Quality Assurance products, based on Dettector technology, to monitor charged particle therapeutic beams, for daily quality assurance procedures. Leo Cancer Care will bring their expertise in the Proton Therapy space together with Detector’s wealth of QA measurement knowledge to provide a fully integrated QA solution to the US market.   

“We are delighted that our Italian designs and technology have the opportunity to grow through this exciting collaboration, reaching new customers in the US. We are thankful to Leo Cancer Care for trusting our experience, we both strongly believe in the importance of continuously innovating ourselves and we could not think of a better partner to share our inspiration, knowledge and competencies with to set new standards in Particle Therapy.”

Giuseppe Pitta, CEO at Detector


This collaboration is the meaning of the word partnership, two companies coming together to share expertise, supporting each other’s businesses, whilst improving Particle Therapy treatment and accuracy. 

 “We are incredibly excited to be announcing our partnership with Detector as both companies share the same vision and passion for improving the quality of, and access to Radiation Therapy globally. Quality assurance is an incredibly important part of Radiation Therapy treatment delivery so we are very committed to working with Detector to provide truly integrated solutions.” 

Stephen Towe, CEO of Leo Cancer Care   

For more information on Detector’s state of the art, Quality Assurance technology visit: https://detector-group.com/medical-devices/#dispositivi

For more information on Leo Cancer Care, contact Stephen Towe, stephen@leocancercare.com